
Trade Priorities for the 2024-2029 EU term


Global markets are an extremely important source of growth and innovation for European companies and our SMEs in particular. Therefore, helping our companies access third markets and increasing the internationalization of SMEs is essential for Europe’s long term inclusive growth. In fact, safeguarding our global competitiveness has never been more important to the Chamber network in view of the unprecedented geopolitical shifts, making an active and ambitious EU trade and foreign economic policy critical for the new EC/EP term.

For the next legislative period 2024-2029, Eurochambres urges EU policymakers to:

  • Greater focus on the openness pillar of EU trade policy by pursuing new and renewed trade agreements and improving market access for European companies.
  • Having a dedicated trade commissioner to oversee the EU’s trade and investment partnerships with the world.
  • Continue strengthening the position of SMEs in EU and global trade, including through a more coherent implementation agenda.
  • Pursue global partnerships in a pragmatic fashion and ensure new and existing legislation strengthens the positions of our internationally active companies.
  • Strengthen the WTO by ensuring a more effective multilateralism that caters to business needs.