What we do and How we do it
Eurochambres’ vision is an integrated, globally competitive Europe, where businesses can prosper and drive socio-economic progress. Chambers have an active role to play in the pursuit of this vision. Reflecting this, Eurochambres strives to represent Chambers of Commerce and Industry and their member companies towards the EU institutions, to identify relevant joint activities and capacity building across the European chamber network.

Policy Dialogue
Based on regular consultation with its members, Eurochambres represents European business interests to the European institutions.
The main goal is to influence policy developments to the benefit of chambers and their constituents, capitalizing on the network’s strong connection with the grassroot economy and using evidence-based policy positions that reflect the needs of the European business community, particularly small & medium sized enterprises.
Eurochambres manages and coordinates various projects, to the benefit of both chambers and the wider business community.
These EU co-funded projects relate to Eurochambres’ policy priorities and thus cover a wide range of activities that are designed to help individual businesses and enhance Europe’s competitiveness.
The voice of the European business community and role of chambers is promoted through ongoing communication activities, a strong media presence and high-profile events.
Eurochambres’ flagship initiatives are the Eurochambres Congress and the European Parliament of Enterprises.