International Business Matchmaking by b2fair® event
The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and its Enterprise Europe Network are all set to host the International Business Matchmaking by b2fair® event at the World Expo Dubai 2020.
Participants will have the possibility to participate in various side events, such as onsite visits in a special economic zone, thematic seminars, business networking opportunities and visits to selected pavilions at the World Expo. The event will gather many company delegates from the UAE and the Middle Eastern Region as well as numerous business delegations from the European Union and all over the world.
The event will have an international dimension in line with Luxembourg's open attitude and vision of serving as a crossroads to access the European market. With a 3-day programme planned, this b2fair event will aim to showcase Luxembourg and European companies potential as well as facilitate the creation of new synergies and business partnerships during Expo 2020.
While the event will be multi-sectoral supporting a varied spectrum of SMEs, there will be a special emphasis on all priority sectors for the European economy in line with the Expo’s theme: ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’: ICT, transport, biotechnologies, mobility, ecotechnologies, industry 4.0, renewable energy, health tech, circular economy, sustainable development and logistics.
Interested in participating? Sign up here.