
Position Eurochambres input for public consultations on the micro-credentials framework and the initiative for individual learning accounts

Eurochambres input for public consultations on the micro-credentials framework and the initiative for individual learning accounts

Micro-credentials should adhere to four guiding principles that will ensure their usefulness to both businesses and learners while also contributing to labor market performance: - prioritization of...
23/07/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the proposal for a Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive

Eurochambres position on the proposal for a Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive

European SMEs need a regulatory framework that allows them to look at their business models and develop practical capacities to report sustainability, without jeopardising the access to supply chains...
22/07/2021 Read more
Position EU Recovery and Resilience Facility

EU Recovery and Resilience Facility

EUROCHAMBRES asks for transparency in the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) process and a strengthened dialogue with national and regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the implementation...
29/06/2021 Read more
Position Statement of Eurochambres President Christoph Leitl prior to the 15 June EU-US Summit

Statement of Eurochambres President Christoph Leitl prior to the 15 June EU-US Summit

"We need a strong Transatlantic Alliance more than ever to affront common challenges and to succeed in our economic recovery. The EU-US Summit is therefore the right signal at the right time. As the b...
14/06/2021 Read more
Position Joint Statement: EU-US Summit: A critical milestone for the global agenda

Joint Statement: EU-US Summit: A critical milestone for the global agenda

For the last century, the transatlantic partnership has been the backbone of the global economy. Consumers and producers, workers and companies, citizens and their governments across the Atlantic and...
11/06/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres reaction to the Commission’s proposal for a regulation on a Single Market for Digital Services Act

Eurochambres reaction to the Commission’s proposal for a regulation on a Single Market for Digital Services Act

The proposal of the European Commission for a Digital Services Act (DSA) is arguably one of the most important legislative proposals reshaping the regulatory framework governing digital services in th...
25/05/2021 Read more
Position Statement of Eurochambres President, Christoph Leitl, on the CCI France Semaine Européenne initiative

Statement of Eurochambres President, Christoph Leitl, on the CCI France Semaine Européenne initiative

“I warmly congratulate CCI France for organising this Semaine Européenne and thank President Goguet, also as a Vice-President of EUROCHAMBRES, for bringing Europe closer to French enterprises. The...
03/05/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on Digital Green Certificate – 5 golden principles for the Digital Green Certificate

Eurochambres position on Digital Green Certificate – 5 golden principles for the Digital Green Certificate

On 17 March the European Commission proposed a “Regulation on a framework for the issuance, verification and acceptance of interoperable certificates on vaccination, testing and recovery to facilita...
30/04/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres signs a collaboration agreement with the EUIPO

Eurochambres signs a collaboration agreement with the EUIPO

EUROCHAMBRES has signed a collaboration agreement with the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), covering a range of activities of relevance to the SME community. The EUIPO is the European agenc...
28/04/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the Taxonomy Regulation

Eurochambres position on the Taxonomy Regulation

EUROCHAMBRES acknowledge the need for and support the mobilisation of private capital to deliver on the goal of climate neutrality while creating growth and jobs. In this respect, a well-designed and...
22/04/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres Position on the Digital Markets Act (DMA)

Eurochambres Position on the Digital Markets Act (DMA)

The internet and online trade have provided consumers with unprecedented availability and choice of products. However, in recent years some gatekeepers have increased their power, to the point that so...
31/03/2021 Read more
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