Press Releases
Press Release

Access to financial resources and skills are critical to twin transition, according to new chamber survey
The findings of a new Eurochambres survey, based on responses from chambers of commerce and industry in 19 countries, emphasises the importance to businesses of securing adequate finances to invest an...
Press Release

Single Market Emergency Instrument: chambers ask for rebalancing of priorities and more legal certainty
While supporting the broad objectives of today’s European Commission proposal for a Regulation for a Single Market Emergency Instrument, Eurochambres warns against overshooting and thus call for gre...
Press Release

Chambers call for immediate measures to help businesses absorb spiralling energy prices
Leaders of Eurochambres, the European Association of Chambers of Commerce & Industry meeting in Prague today called for immediate measures to help businesses deal with spiralling electricity and g...
Press Release
Press release of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce and Eurochambres
Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Switzerland (CCIS) with Eurochambres, the association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in Zurich.
At a working meeting today, repres...
Press Release

2019-24 von der Leyen Commission mid-term review: strong economic headwinds require recalibration of work programme
The 29 April General Assembly of Eurochambres – the European association of chambers of commerce and industry - discussed progress made by the von der Leyen Commission as it reaches the halfway poin...
Press Release

Press Release: Corporate due diligence – chambers concerned by both direct and indirect impacts on businesses
Reacting to today’s European Commission proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence, Eurochambres has recognised the importance of ensuring a level playing field across the EU...
Press Release

Luc Frieden – new ambassador of European businesses
Luc Frieden has taken office as President of Eurochambres, the association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The chamber umbrella organization represents the interests of Europe’s indus...
Press Release
Eastern Partnership Summit: Trade is key to a stronger partnership
Prior to the EU Eastern Partnership Summit on 15 December, EUROCHAMBRES President Christoph Leitl has called on leaders to give a new impetus to economic relations between the EU and its eastern neigh...
Press Release

Global Economic Survey 2022: COVID-19 uncertainty undermining global recovery
Global Economic Survey 2022: COVID-19 uncertainty undermining global recovery
The Global Economic Survey 2022 published today underlines the impact on global growth of continued uncertainty abo...
Press Release

Chambers welcome balanced Council compromise on the Digital Services Act
Reacting to the adoption today by the Competitiveness Council of its position on the Digital Services Act (DSA), EUROCHAMBRES has underlined the need to have balanced rules in e-commerce which withsta...
Press Release

2022 EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey: energy costs and skills shortages constrain business optimism for year ahead
European companies’ general mood of optimism for 2022 is dented by concerns over affordable access to energy and raw materials, as well shortages in skilled workers. These are among the main finding...
Press Release

How can standards, local business services and technology solutions be used as powerful tools on business’ path to net-zero? On 6...
Press Release
Luc Frieden elected as next President of EUROCHAMBRES
Mr Luc Frieden was elected as President of EUROCHAMBRES for the 2022-2023 term during today’s General Assembly. Mr Frieden, President of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, will take over the role o...
Press Release
EUROCHAMBRES and CCCM call for entry into force of the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement
In a major effort to strengthen ties between the private sectors of Latin America and Europe, the members of the Council of Chambers of Commerce of Mercosur (CCCM) and EUROCHAMBRES met on September 22...
Press Release
SOTEU 2021: a strong economy is crucial to meeting Europe’s challenges
EUROCHAMBRES President, Christoph Leitl, welcomed the ambitious and committed tone of today’s State of the European Union speech, but called for a strong and continued focus on delivering the econom...
Press Release
New survey reveals scale of digital transformation of businesses during pandemic
A joint European Committee of the Regions and EUROCHAMBRES survey reveals that around 75% of businesses took decisive steps to digitalise their activities during the pandemic. Published as part of a n...
Press Release
Fit-for-55 Package: a balanced approach crucial for businesses
Reacting to the adoption today by the European Commission of its Fit-for-55 package, EUROCHAMBRES has highlighted the need to balance a regulatory approach with much needed incentives. The associati...
Press Release
Consumer Law Ready phase 2 concludes, with 18-month extension announced
EUROCHAMBRES, in collaboration with SMEunited, BEUC and the European Commission, organized a conference on the results of the second phase of the Consumer Law Ready (CLR) project on 28 June. The event...
Press Release
European Parliament ‘State of the SMEs Union’ debate: strong messages that must prompt tangible progress
EUROCHAMBRES President Christoph Leitl called on the EU institutions to use this evening’s European Parliament ‘State of the SMEs Union’ plenary debate as a foundation for SME-friendly policies...
Press Release
Updated EU industrial Strategy will help Europe’s SMEs and the economic recovery
Today’s Communication on the updated 2020 Industrial Strategy is a positive development for European industries. EUROCHAMBRES welcomes the Commission’s efforts to build an ecosystem approach that...
Press Release
Chamber leaders criticise ongoing absence of EU SME Envoy
Senior representatives of EUROCHAMBRES today made an urgent call to the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to finalise the much delayed appointment of the new EU SME Envoy. Ov...
Press Release
EU-US: EUROCHAMBRES strongly welcomes EU proposal for 6-month additional tariff suspension in Airbus-Boeing case
European Chambers welcome the proposal by the European Commission to extend the suspension of tariffs in the Boeing Airbus case by six months, allowing both sides sufficient time to solve this long-la...
Press Release
European Council 25-26 March: Businesses also need a shot in the arm!
Prior to his participation in the Tripartite Social Summit on 24 March and in the run-up to the online European Council starting the following day, EUROCHAMBRES President Christoph Leitl has called on...
Press Release
European Commission 2030 Digital Compass: EUROCHAMBRES favours comprehensive approach
EUROCHAMBRES welcomes the new vision of the European Commission for Europe’s digital transformation. The European Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry supports the need for a comprehensi...